When Should I Seek Help to Cope With Grief or Bereavement?

People deal with grief differently. However, the average person usually moves on after the grieving process. There’s no timeline that serves as guidepost telling you that you cope with grief faster than anybody else.
You go through several stages: denial then anger. Then you go through the bargaining phase before moving on to depression. Surviving all these will bring you acceptance. Some are stuck in anger or depression, however, and that can be very dangerous indeed.
When Do I Need Help? How do you know when to dial that number to help you cope with grief? Below are just some of the instances when you may need the help of a therapist or life coach:
√ You have suicidal thoughts √ When you can no longer function √ You are racked with intense guilt √ When you are already experiencing hallucinations √ You feel an overwhelming sense of worthlessness √ You are always tired and can’t find any joy in any situation
Physical Symptoms of Grief
You may have heard of stories about a husband and wife just days or weeks from each other. People may romanticize the whole thing and explain it away as death not being able to conquer their love for each other.
But there’s another explanation. The simple fact is that intense grief can manifest itself in form of physical symptoms. Examples of which are below:
Upset stomach
Extreme weight loss
Loss of appetite
Saying they died of a broken heart takes on a more literal meaning.
If you or your loved one just suffered a loss and couldn’t cope with the grief or bereavement, it helps to reach out to somebody for help. For instance, Shawna Crabill LMFT, of Charleston, SC, will help you forgive yourself, which is a major first-step toward recovery. Go to her website for more info.